

Trailblazer Digital Agency
provide a wide range of digital marketing services including Google Ad campaigns, Facebook Ad campaigns, social media management, and website development in New Zealand. 

Google Ads Campaigns

Google Ads is a pay per click (PPC) model in which organisations pay an amount every-time a user clicks on the ad. This is one of the most popular ways to advertise on the internet. If a potential customer clicks on your link, you pay. Costs from bids can vary from business to business. The winner of the auction is chosen by the quality of the page and the relevance of the ad's keywords. Whoever gets to appear on the page, a metric is calculated by multiplying two key factors, cost per click and the quality score. This ensures businesses that win the auction can reach their potential customers while sticking to your budget. 

Why Choose Us Over Running The Campaign Yourself?

Google Adwords is still the most dominant search platform with over 2 trillion searches on Google every day in 2020.

Here at Trailblazer Digital Agency, we use custom tools, and we are able to research an accurate recommendation. We manage your ad spend every month and ensure we prominently dominate impression share against your competitors. We also provide you a report on metrics every month on cost per click (CPC) and cost per acquisition (CPA). 

We deliver tailor-made Google AdWords campaigns to businesses in New Zealand, which are precisely associated with your business objectives. At Trailblazer Digital Agency, we work with clients to ensure your campaigns are successful. We provide swift responses to business queries and provide support to clients through phone calls, face to face meetings, and video conferencing. This ensures that we accomplish the outcomes that matter to your business.. Queenstown Digital Marketing. Queenstown Digital Agency New Zealand. Digital marketing agency New Zealand. 

Facebook Ads Campaign

If you’re struggling to get your voice heard in the noisy platform, there’s a good reason for that. There are now more than 3 million businesses on Facebook, and due to the constant algorithm changes of approximately 3%, it's becoming less likely that your followers will see all of your posts on their newsfeed.

Social media advertising is more important than ever for all businesses as part of their digital strategy to communicate with your potential and current customers. 

Facebook advertising is one of the most cost-effective ways to advertise and allows you to find new qualified leads that convert to sales. It will enable your business to reach your target audience and boost sales by targeting audiences based on location, demographics, interests, and behaviors.

Not only does digital marketing help generate more sales leads, but it also gives cost-efficient ROI.
A social media agency you can rely on:

Our digital marketing agency has helped clients increase their inbound lead generation by 650% using social media advertising and management on platforms such as Facebook. 

We create social media strategies tailored to your individual business needs and using social media ads to yield exceptional results. 

We assist clients in setting up campaigns and monitoring the performance of the ad through Facebook Ads manager. We use tactics such as Geo-targeting, re-targeting, and manage CPC and click-through rates.

Not sure where to start? Call us at Trailblazer digital agency and see the difference it can make. An effective Facebook advertising campaign designed for your small business could bring you an average of 450% ROI, spinning qualified leads into paying customers.

Social Media Management

A strong social media presence can significantly impact your business growth. But effective social media marketing goes much deeper than just posting updates. It requires detailed data analysis and the creation of in-depth, well-researched strategies. With Facebook organic reach down to around 3%, now is the time to utilise the tactics of an experienced digital marketer to ensure you are getting the most out of your social media pages.

If staying responsive and managing multiple social media accounts online seems overwhelming, you're not alone. Neglected social media accounts can erode consumer confidence. It also means your missing out on sales opportunities and communicating with your current and potential customers if you leave messages unanswered.

As a digital marketing agency, we develop social media strategies that work with your business. We review the channels and networks your current and potential consumers use, so we can find the most efficient method to build and main your presence in the future. We get to know your business, so we can create an authentic social media strategy for your brand and ensure we work with your brand and offer expert advice through every stage.

We develop social media advertising campaigns that deliver tangible results. We’ll create content, manage your page, and target your ideal customers online and provide regular analytical reports.

We create engaging posts that reach your current customers and use tactics to reach new ones.

Our social media campaign packages provide one post, seven days a week, across one to three platforms. We also respond to customers on social media platforms from a business context and provide you a detailed report on how your social media platforms are performing and provide key recommendations on how to reach your specific target audiences.

The benefits of using our social media agency for your businesses social media are:

1. We increase your brand's awareness.
2. We increase more inbound traffic.
3. Help improve your search engine ranking if you have a website.
4. Ensure higher conversion rates.
5. Improve customer satisfaction.
6. Build and improve your brand loyalty and authority. 
8. It's a more cost-effective method to advertise to your audience.
9. Gain better marketplace insights through analytics, so you know your target demographic, posts that perform well, and insights.
We also provide a service of setting up a Facebook page and linking your Facebook page to the Facebook Ads account.

So if you want help with your social media, and have more time to focus on running your business, call us today, and we will deliver compelling content to your target audience across all of your social media channels.

 Website Design

We put our heart and soul into creating  a website that represents your brand that drives tangible results to deliver on your business objectives and drive customers to your doors.

We have a highly skilled team of webdevelopers that custom make websites for small businesses, at an affordable price.

  • We assist you with buying a domain and linking it to your hosting site.
  • We link Google Analytics to your website.
  • We activate your SSL certificate.
  • We have regular meetings to ensure the website meets your needs.
  • We have a three week turn around on three to four page websites.
  • Mobile Responsive – All the websites we build are mobile responsive.
  • We help you with your website copy.

Interested in improving your digital marketing? We are offering a FREE digital audit for your business!

Whatever your digital marketing needs are, we are here to help. Book an appointment today and we will conduct an free digital audit in the area you wish to focus on. We service the north and south island of New Zealand in Facebook Ad campaigns, Google Ad Campaigns and social media management.
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